Day-13  PYTHON


Hello Dosto 😎

Let's Start with Basics of Python as this is also important for Devops Engineer to build the logic and Programs.

What is Python?

  • Python is a Open source, general purpose, high level, and object-oriented programming language.

  • It was created by Guido van Rossum

  • Python consists of vast libraries and various frameworks like Django,Tensorflow, Flask, Pandas, Keras etc.

How to Install Python?

  • You can install Python in your System whether it is window, MacOS, ubuntu, centos etc. Below are the links for the installation:

  • Windows Installation

  • Ubuntu: apt-get install python3.6


1 . Install Python in your respective OS, and check the version.

2 . Read about different Data Types in Python.

  • Python supports various data types:
  1. Numeric Types: Integers (int), Floats (float), Complex Numbers (complex)

  2. Sequence Types: Lists (list), Tuples (tuple), Range

  3. Text Sequence Type: Strings (str)

  4. Set Types: Sets (set), Frozen Sets (frozenset)

  5. Mapping Type: Dictionaries (dict)

  6. Boolean Type: Boolean (bool)

  7. Binary Types: Bytes (bytes), Byte Arrays (bytearray), Memory Views (memoryview)

Happy Learning

Thanks For Reading! :)
